
Information on the investment strategy

The investment strategy of Luxei Corporate Finance focuses on safety and liquidity. The main objective of Luxei's corporate finance strategy is to achieve a reasonable yield within the given risk limits. Luxei Corporate Finance investments are guided by the principle of entrepreneurial prudence.

This principle may be split into dimensions: all investments are made in a way that ensures that the requirements in terms of quality, safety, liquidity, yield, and the aggregate investment portfolio are fulfilled.

This includes matching the type, quality, and maturity of investments with the corresponding characteristics of the liabilities. Investments are only admissible if the embedded risks are identified, measured, monitored, managed, controlled, and reported appropriately so that they can be included in the solvency calculations. The assets held by Luxei Corporate Finance may be split into different portfolios.

The basic principles of the investment strategies for these portfolios are based on the structure of the respective underlying liabilities. These principles and guidelines form the framework for a diversified investment strategy. Predominantly, investments are made in fixed income securities with a large range of maturities which reflect the term structure of the respective underlying liabilities as well as the applicable requirements in terms of liquidity and risk limits.

Products – Expansion of Luxei Corporate Finance’s product portfolio

We expand our product portfolio in terms of sectors, and risk profiles, in order to offer our investors a broad range of products and investment strategies.


We broaden the asset classes from real estate to real estate-related assets, Crypto Currency and Stocks in order to diversify the product portfolio and bring new products to the market for investors.

Leading in the expansion of the investor base:
Investors – Expansion of the investor base

Our investor base is growing – both through the internationalisation of our company and through the expansion of the offer for different types of investors. We are active in the US,DACH region, in Europe, and internationally to direct important capital flows. Our clients include institutional investors as well as Retail investors.


With our investors, we position ourselves sustainably as one of the most successful Assets management investment companies Globally.


We rely on a broad and diversified network of investors, which is already managed by a global fundraising team.

Expand product offering

Increase and Diversification of Operating Income

Broaden product portfolio

We want to steadily increase portfolios that we manage. Through an optimally structured product offering with attractive returns in all package types, we offer our customers the best possible value creation .

Expand product offering for institutional and retail clients

We are expanding our product range in a targeted manner. It now covers nearly all asset classes. Thus, institutional investors and individual investors receive optimal conditions for high-yield investments. We offer a wide range of services, including the entire value chain of the investment. In the process, we remain faithful to our roots and our core competency in Assets.
Produce performance fees through top performance and superior returns
We are sustainably increasing our operating result. An increase in assets under management and the resulting income through management fees make a decisive contribution to the company’s success.


Further expansion

Create investment opportunities across Diverse market Globally

Real estate markets, Stock market and Foreign exchange market(fx) which are characterised by cyclical differences in market cycles. In order to offer our clients country-specific investment opportunities, we are represented by a local team in all of the major markets.
Luxei Corporate Finance’s internationalisation follows moderate growth. For us it is not the size that counts, but the quality.


Transform our organisation to become simple, digital, and scalable
We have a clear view of what we want Luxei Corporate Finance to look like in the future: simple, digital and scalable.

  • Simple: Our overarching principle is to focus on what really matters and to keep it simple. We are reducing the number and complexity of our products and processes, and streamline our organisation. The Luxei Corporate Finance Customer Model is the driver of this transformation.
  • Digital: Digital will be the nature of our organisation, both at the front and back end. Digital for us means new business models, harmonised assets, automation and state-of-the-art data analytics. It means enabling our people and freeing up their time for innovation and customer service.
  • Scalable: Scale will set us apart from other financial companies. Scale is not the same as size. Scale means reaping benefits from our size; being more than the sum of our parts. This means sharing knowledge, best practice and technological assets across the group

We are achieving simplicity through dual transformation:
we are engaged in transforming everyday business, improving productivity, and increasing customer satisfaction.

Rebalance our portfolio towards growth markets and new risk pools:
We have a clear view of where we want to grow, both geographically and in terms of new business lines. 

Global player

In addition to maintaining a strong foothold in our core markets, we also seek to position ourselves in the big and fast-growing markets of the future. 
Asset management: We want to remain the world’s leading active asset manager, Luxei Corporate Finance.

Strategic objectives

Outperform / Transform / Rebalance

Outperform our competitors, both old and new

We operate in a competitive market. Our customers compare our performance to the best alternatives available to them. Our investors want to know how much value we provide compared with other investments.  

We at Luxei Corporate Finance can no longer assess our performance in relation to internal plans or market averages. We want to beat the best.

We are establishing a system of planning, investment and incentives that is aimed at making us the best in the respective market – in terms of growth and profitability as well as customer and employee satisfaction. We will be able to stand up to both traditional competitors and new ones.